I am trying to retrieve post from a category using query_posts but it returns post from the unspecified category other parameters such as sort and showposts works fine.

            'categories' => 'Partners',
            'imageswidth' => '200px',
            'imagesheight' => '115px',
            'imageslink' => 'Web_Link',
            'partnerscount' => 'All',
            'columnscount' => 1,
            'imagescrop' => 'No',
            'imagesblackhovercolor' => 'No',
            'imagesopacity' => 100,
            'imagesgrayscale' => 'No',
            'imagescolorize' => '',
            'imagesnegative' => 'No',
            'imagessort' => 'Date ASC'
        ), $atts));

        //$args = "category_name=".categories;
        //$catIDs = get_cat_ID( $cat_name='Partners' );

        $args = "cat_name=".categories;
        $args .= strtolower($partnerscount) != "all" ? "&showposts=".$partnerscount : '';
        $args .= $imagessort == "Date_ASC" ? "&orderby=date&order=ASC" : '';
        $args .= $imagessort == "Date_DSC" ? "&orderby=date&order=DESC" : '';
        $args .= $imagessort == "Random" ? "&orderby=rand" : '';


while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
$output = $output.get_the_title();

1 Answer 1


According to the wordpress documents (http://codex.wordpress.org/Class_Reference/WP_Query#Category_Parameters)

In order to show posts from a certain category you can use the next parameters:

cat (int) - use category id.

category_name (string) - use category slug (NOT name).

category__and (array) - use category id.

category__in (array) - use category id.

category__not_in (array) - use category id.

The right parameter is: category_name and not cat_name. Replacing:

$args = "cat_name=".categories;


$args = "category_name=".$categories;

While Partners is the slug of the category, should solve your problem.

Edit 1:

Please notice , you wrote categories without the $ sign. PHP treats it as a defined and not as a variable. Try this line: $args = "category_name=".$categories;

Edit 2: If you can't fetch the slug of the category, try getting the ID of it by its name.

    $catID = get_cat_ID( $categories );
    $args = "cat=".$catID;
  • when I try category_name it does not return anything at all
    – Syed Waqas
    May 21, 2013 at 8:19
  • Apparently, Partners is not the slug of the category. May 21, 2013 at 8:20
  • Edited my answer, try the Edit1 & Edit2 suggestions. May 21, 2013 at 8:23
  • I was specifying category name instead of the slug, by changing to slug it solves the problem. thanks
    – Syed Waqas
    May 21, 2013 at 8:27

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