I am using RoboSpice for Rest Api calls in android and i want to add connection timeout for 30 secs in calls how i will do ?

here is my code

 public class AddBrandsService extends
        SpringAndroidSpiceRequest<AddBrands.Response> {

     public final AddBrands.Response loadDataFromNetwork(){

     return getRestTemplate().postForObject(url,
            request, AddBrands.Response.class);


    this service is called here 

    private SpiceManager contentManager = new SpiceManager(

    contentManager.execute(service, lastRequestCacheKey,
                DurationInMillis.ONE_SECOND, new AddBrandsListner());

thanks in advance...

  • If you post your SpiceService it would be easier to answer you.
    – rciovati
    May 27, 2013 at 8:32
  • It all depends on the module you are using. I can help for sure with SpringAndroid. Ping me when you update your answer @Zaid Bin Tariq
    – Snicolas
    May 27, 2013 at 18:26

1 Answer 1


Here is the code. Basically, you have to take care of the version of android as spring android switch between two different implementations to avoid a known bug in network stack. Unfortunately both implementations don't share a common interface whith respect to timeouts.

private void manageTimeOuts(RestTemplate restTemplate) {
    // set timeout for requests
    ClientHttpRequestFactory factory = restTemplate.getRequestFactory();
    if (factory instanceof HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory) {
        HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory advancedFactory = (HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory) factory;
    } else if (factory instanceof SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory) {
        SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory advancedFactory = (SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory) factory;
  • The timeout is there to set a limit on how long the wait is for incoming data. A SocketTimeoutException can be thrown when reading from the returned input stream if the read timeout expires before data is available for read.
    – DMonkey
    Jul 17, 2017 at 13:44

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