I am making about 20 pages of a website all with a PDF in the middle and some ads on the sides. When someone prints the page I want the PDF to print, but not the ads on the sides. Is there a way to do this?

This image shows what I am trying to accomplish:

This is what I'm trying to accomplish


2 Answers 2


You can add specific styles for printing media.

@media print {
  .my-advertisments {
      display:none !important;

The rules inside the @media block will be used whenever you're trying to print the page.

  • One of the pages is here.. cthsbc.org/2013%20Sale%20Entry%20Pages/page70.html I made6 different ID which is probably not the most efficient way but for now i thought it might work...but still the 6 divs (business cards) are still printing =/
    – Emperor12
    Jul 10, 2013 at 0:51

You can have custom CSS for print, so you can simply set the display to none on print:

@media print {
  #something {

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