{Sorry new to JSON} I need to build up an array of resources (Users) and pass it in to my view, might be a better way than what ive done below? (Demo)

My model is simply

public class ScheduleUsers
        public string Resource{ get; set; }

On my controller

var users = new JsonArray(
               new JsonObject(
                new KeyValuePair<string,JsonValue>("id","1"),
                new KeyValuePair<string,JsonValue>("name","User1")),
                new JsonObject(
                new KeyValuePair<string, JsonValue>("id", "2"),
                new KeyValuePair<string, JsonValue>("name", "User2"))
            model.Resources = users.ToString();
  • 1
    I like anonymous types for quick projection, e.g. return Json( new { foo = "bar" } ). Json.NET is also quite popular and gives you numerous options.
    – Tim M.
    May 31, 2013 at 6:22

2 Answers 2


Why don't you just return a list of entities as a JSON result, like:

public class CarsController : Controller  
    public JsonResult GetCars()  
        List<Car> cars = new List<Car>();
        // add cars to the cars collection 
        return this.Json(cars, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);  

It will be converted to JSON automatically.

  • Ok so i did that, and changed model.Resources = GetResources().ToString(); but when looking at the html output i get resources:System.Web.Mvc.JsonResult
    – D-W
    May 31, 2013 at 8:33
  • 2
    add return this.Json(cars,JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet ); otherwise you get this error
    – Shaiju T
    Feb 1, 2016 at 16:02

I did this and this works

    JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                js.Serialize(GetResources(), sb);

 public List<ScheduledResource> GetResources()
            var res = new List<ScheduledResource>()
                    new ScheduledResource()
                            id = "1",
                            color = "blue",
                            name = "User 1"
                    new ScheduledResource()
                            id = "2",
                            color = "black",
                            name = "User 2"


            return res;

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