I'm using a switch to conditionally include different content. I want the inner content (e.g. welcome directive) to replace the parent ng-switch element. I know that you can do this with custom directives using the replace=true configuration property, but is this possible to do with built in directives such as ng-switch?

<div id="container">
    <ng-switch on="tabIndex">

        <welcome ng-switch-when="welcome"></welcome>

        <main ng-switch-when="main"></main>

        <help ng-switch-when="help"></help>


For example, When the value of tabIndex is 'help', I want the following html to result:

<div id="container">

    <help><!-- contents of help template --></help>

  • 1
    I think its not possible with just the ng-switch directive. It just appends the correct switch-when to its main element.
    – Oliver
    Jun 5, 2013 at 13:12

1 Answer 1


You'll always need the logic there, but you don't have to use an element for a switch. It'll work just as well as an attribute on the parent:

<div id="container" ng-switch on="tabIndex">
    <welcome ng-switch-when="welcome"></welcome>
    <main ng-switch-when="main"></main>
    <help ng-switch-when="help"></help>

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