I have a form with a combo box. Currently It displays the available values from the database. But for a particular scenario, I wants it dynamically change to a text box so that the user can manually enter the value. Can I do it in the same form. If I use a second form,I can solve this problem. But I want to do it with little code changes. Can someone provide some ideas?

2 Answers 2


You can set DropDownStyle to DropDown. My bad. Indeed, in vb6 the style property can't be changed during runtime.

  1. You can hide/show desired control.
  2. Try using Locked property.
  • thanks. I tried to change the style property for the combo box in vb6 during runtime. But It seems like it is read only.
    – ShivShambo
    Jun 11, 2013 at 7:19
  • I think Przeszczep meant using two controls, hiding/showing them at the need.
    – Arvo
    Jun 11, 2013 at 7:51

I used a combo array(combobox(0),combobox(1)) with two different styles(simple combo and dropdowncombo) and made it visible and disable at runtime using the Visible property

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