I got a simple ant target :

<target name="doxygen">
    <exec executable="doxygen" dir="${basedir}/doxygen">
        <arg value="Doxyfile" />

I'm on Windows Seven. When i try the same command line ( doxygen Doxyfile ) in the Windows console, it works perfectly. The doxygen executable can by found because i added the good path in my PATH environment variable.

But ANT juste can't find the doxygen executable and i get the following error :

build.xml:83: Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "doxygen.exe" : CreateProcess error=2

How can i make ANT to use the Windows PATH environment variable ?

I already tried the searchpath property, but i don't works.

1 Answer 1


You want to find where Doxygen is currently installed on your system. Then make a property with that value, so it can be overridden by people that installed doxygen somewhere else.

<property name="doxygen.path" location="C:\Program Files\Doxygen"/>

<target name="doxygen">
    <exec executable="${doxygen.path}/doxygen" dir="${basedir}/doxygen">
        <arg value="Doxyfile" />
  • 1
    I accept your answer because this is what i have done. But the main problem was elsewhere. I start ANT form Eclipse, and when you do that, ANT just can't use your environment variables. If you try my code with ANT in the Windows console, it works perfectly.
    – Magus
    Jun 14, 2013 at 7:30
  • Try moving those from the system path to the user path and see if it works. I know that's not an answer either, but, I'm finding that eclipse seems to only pick up the "user path" and not the merged PATH. Still don't have a solution for it though, but maybe this is what you're running into.
    – tlum
    Sep 12, 2013 at 12:50

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