Please help me to understand BBS algorithm. I did this implementation:

class EmptySequenseError(Exception):                                  

class BlumBlumShub(object):                                           
    def __init__(self, length):                                       
        self.length = length                                          
        self.primes = e(1000)  # Primes obtained by my own Sieve of Eratosthenes implementation.                                                                            

    def get_primes(self):                                             
        out_primes = []                                               
        while len(out_primes) < 2:                                    
            curr_prime = self.primes.pop()          
            if curr_prime % 4 == 3:                                   
        return out_primes                                             

    def set_random_sequence(self):                                    
        p, q = self.get_primes()                                      
        m = p * q                                                     
        self.random_sequence = [((x+1)**2)%m for x in range(self.length)]

    def get_random_sequence(self):                                    
        if self.random_sequence:                                      
           return self.random_sequence                               
        raise EmptySequenseError("Set random sequence before get it!")

And I have several questions. At first I do not want to use random library, it is too naive. My sequence is increasing, it is not absolutely random. How to prevent increasing in returned sequence? And I do not understand this part of the algorithm description:

At each step of the algorithm, some output is derived from xn+1; the output is commonly either the bit parity of xn+1 or one or more of the least significant bits of xn+1.

Please explain to me what does it mean?

Edit summary:

  • The algorithm is corrected.
  • Quote substituted to en.wikipedia quote.

3 Answers 3

    for x in range(self.length):                                  
        self.random_sequence.append((x ** 2) % m) 

Just generates [(x ** 2) % m for x in range(self.length)], which is roughly xn+1 = n2 mod M.

The algorithm is supposed to be: xn+1 = xn2 mod M

Do you see where your version is different?

As for the quote - you don't say where it's from, but Wikipedia has:

At each step of the algorithm, some output is derived from xn+1; the output is commonly either the bit parity of xn+1 or one or more of the least significant bits of xn+1.

It means that xn+1 is the seed for the next iteration, but not the pseudo-random number returned. Instead, the return value is derived from xn+1 by counting its bit parity (this yields either 0 or 1 each iteration), or by taking only some number of top bits.

  • I still can't get, what should I return? Is parity bit means en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parity_bit ? Should I return ((x+1)**2) % m or something else? Or what the bitwise operation should be done?
    – I159
    Jun 14, 2013 at 20:01
  • 1
    bit parity the even/odd quality of the number of 1's in the bit string. in python, that's basically: parity_of_x = bin(x).count(1) % 2 Jun 14, 2013 at 20:56

Blum Blum Shub is described in Chapter Five of the Handbook of Applied Cryptography, Section 5.5.2. There is a lot of helpful stuff about random number generation in that chapter.


I would rather formalize my understanding as an answer.

class BlumBlumShub(object):                                             
    def __init__(self, length):                                         
        self.length = length                                            
        self.primes = e(1000)                                           

    def gen_primes(self):                                               
        out_primes = []                                                 
        while len(out_primes) < 2:                                      
            curr_prime = self.primes[random.randrange(len(self.primes))]
            if curr_prime % 4 == 3:                                     
        return out_primes                                               

    def random_generator(self):                                         
        x = random.randrange(1000000)                                   
        while self.length:                                              
            x += 1                                                      
            p, q = self.gen_primes()                                    
            m = p * q                                                   
            z = (x**2) % m                                              
            self.length -= 1                                            
            yield str(bin(z).count('1') % 2)                            

    def get_random_bits(self):                                          
        return ''.join(self.random_generator())                         
  • BBS is pseudorandom bit generator, it must return random bits, not integers.
  • Return value is just parity bit of result xn+12 % m operation.

If I wrongly understood something, please explain my mistakes.

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