I have a requirement to build a web application using JSR356 Websockets API and deploy it in WSO2 Application Server.

It looks like WSO2 AS 5.1.0 does not support JSR356 Websockets out-of-the-box (WSO2 AS 5.1.0 Features). It also looks like tomcat 7, WSO2's web container does not yet support Websockets API - tomcat link.

Has anyone managed to get websockets running in WSO2 AS 5.1.0? If so, how?

1 Answer 1


WSO2 AS 5.1.0 is based on Tomcat 7.0.34 version and it has some web socket support. Please take a look on following samples to check whether are those fulfill your requirements https://svn.wso2.org/repos/wso2/carbon/platform/tags/4.1.0/products/as/5.1.0/modules/samples/common/webapp/src/main/java/websocket/.

FYI above samples are available with WSO2 AS 5.1.0 distribution.


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