In a project Im working on I included the functionality of transfering files between the local machine and a remote host. Still, the end users dont use it, because they dont like having to type in filepaths or filenames. For example, when they want to copy a remote file to their local machine, i display a textbox and ask them to type in the path o the file they want to copy. Because of that the users tend to use other programs, like WinSCP.

I want to improve the user experience. Im thinking about including a file explorer panel in swing, similar to what WinSCP has to offer. How could I do that? I couldnt find any open source projects/libraries that fit my needs, and I dont really have an idea on how to write that using jsch. How could I do that?

  • Did you look at the example section on JSCH jcraft.com/jsch/examples/Exec.java.html ? Also, I recommend looking into JCIFS (jcifs.samba.org), I think that's a much better option.
    – grepit
    Jun 19, 2013 at 13:40
  • @CPU 100 I am not free to change the protocol I am using, it has to be sftp, so I guess jcifs does not cut it. I saw all the examples on the jsch site - but that does not help me. I already have a working file send to/download from remote, I can execute shell commands on the remote host. The problem is that I want to pack this functionality in a useable interface. Think "JFilechooser for remote host files, using jsch" - thats the sort of thing I need. I could try to implement it from scratch, but thats a LOT of work, and im looking for something easier/less tiresome.
    – K.L.
    Jun 19, 2013 at 13:47
  • For any future visitors, I had to implement the "RemoteJFileChooser" from scratch.
    – K.L.
    Dec 29, 2014 at 11:34


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