i want change the format of a table in gWidgets R, show vertical lines, change background color.


w     <- gwindow("Example")
g     <- ggroup(cont=w)
table <- gtable(mtcars,cont=g)

with gtable function no shows vertical lines for separate columns in the table


w     <- gwindow("Example")
g     <- ggroup(cont=w)
table <- gdf(mtcars,cont=g)

and gdf adds a new column of rownames, that i dont need besides gdf changes the background color to "orange" or similar , how can i change or modify aesthetics in a table?

1 Answer 1


You can get the underlying Gtk widget with: tbl <- getToolkitWidget(table). From there you can call whatever RGtk2 method you want. You will need to load that package first though.

  • i add the grid lines table, using this code: gtkTreeViewSetGridLines(getToolkitWidget(table),grid.lines=3)
    – narteaga
    Jun 27, 2013 at 18:00

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