I am using java connector for DHTMLXGrid. I want to render a table and display only those record where value of some field is some.Just like "Select * from table where status='inProgress';" Currently I am doing

Connection conn= ( new DataBaseConnection()).getConnection();

        GridConnector c = new GridConnector(conn);
        c.render_table("grid50000", "item_id", "item_nm,item_cd,status");

What I want is select those record where item_nm like %ro% Does any have any solution.

I have used

class FilterBehavior extends ConnectorBehavior {
            public void beforeRender(DataItem data) {
                if (data == null || !data.get_value("status").equalsIgnoreCase("inProgress")) {
        c.event.attach(new FilterBehavior());

but data item which have status other than "inProgress" still populates.


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