At the moment I have hibernate JPA HSQLDB to auto-create my database tables.

<property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="create-drop" />

How can I tell JPA or Hibernate to save a String as a clob/blob field? Ie a very long String. I could not find any annotation so far. How must I configure this on eg a private String myBigContent?

1 Answer 1


Hope this may help :)

  @Column( name = "FILEIMAGE" )
    @Lob(type = LobType.BLOB)
    private byte[] fileimage;
  • Just for reference. As written I use HSQLDB, which has a serious Bug which is still not fixed in the 2.3.0-SNAPSHOT release. Using @Lob, it always results in a unsupported internal operation: Session Exception. Therefore I switched to @Column(length = 2147483647) which should do the same as lob. Jun 28, 2013 at 13:16

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