I wrote a simple JAX-WS web service for tomcat application server on java.

I have one interface and on implementation class:

@WebService(name = "myWs")
@SOAPBinding(style = Style.RPC)
public interface IMyWs {
    @WebMethod(operationName = "getUser")
    Response getUser(@WebParam(name = "phone", mode = Mode.IN) String phone);



@WebService(endpointInterface = "ge.mari.IMyWs")
public class MyWs implements IMyWs {
    public Response getUser(String phone) {
               // SOME CODE
        return response;

My problem is that, in my wsdl file Response class is defined in xsd file.
This is the snippet from my wsdl file

          <xsd:import namespace="http://ws.mari.ge/" schemaLocation="http://localhost:8080/MyServcie/MyWs?xsd=1">

How can I make web service to generate all types in WSDL file instead of separate XSD file?
Should I change any configuration or add some annotation to my web service?

3 Answers 3


You can have JAX-WS insert the generated schema into your WSDL file by using the


command line switch. [1]

If you're using Maven in your project you can configure the JAX-WS maven plugin to do the same with the inlineSchemas configuration element in your execution configuration as follows: [2]


No changes to your Java class are necessary.

[1] http://jax-ws.java.net/nonav/2.2.1/docs/wsgen.html

[2] http://jax-ws-commons.java.net/jaxws-maven-plugin/wsgen-mojo.html


AFAIK it ist not possible to have JAX generate a WSDL with schemas inline.

BTW: Separating the WSDL definition and the XSD schema is a good move (you might want to use the object structure defined by the schema in a different context e.g. storing data to files or something like that).

That said: If you need an "all in one" WSDL (because some ancient client requires it) you can always have jax-ws generate the WSDL initially and then edit it to your heart's content. The edited WSDL can be included using the wsdlLocation parameter of the @WebService annotation.

  • It indeed is possible to instruct JAX-WS to inline the schema. See my answer above for how instructions on how to achieve that.
    – Kallja
    Aug 6, 2013 at 12:04
  • @Kallja: I assumed the OP was referring to the WSDL generated by the application server (because there is a schemaLocation="http://localhost:8080/MyServcie/MyWs?xsd=1" in the WSDL-fragment. I don't know of a way to convince an app server to generate an all-in-one WSDL... BUT your point is a good one. I need to remember the wsgen param you used. :-)
    – secra
    Aug 6, 2013 at 14:49

It is actually not possible to use inlineSchemas with the runtime WSDL generator. I debugged the WSDL generation and found this line in the EndpointFactory, where the inlineSchemas feature (which actually is present in the wsgen tool) is just set to false:

     * Generates the WSDL and XML Schema for the endpoint if necessary
     * It generates WSDL only for SOAP1.1, and for XSOAP1.2 bindings
    private static SDDocumentImpl generateWSDL(WSBinding binding, AbstractSEIModelImpl seiModel, Collection<SDDocumentImpl> docs,
                                               Container container, Class implType) {
        // [...]
        WSDLGenInfo wsdlGenInfo = new WSDLGenInfo(); 
        // [...]
        // [...]
        // [...]


There is also an open issue for JAX-WS to change this (but I guess there is not much hope for changes in JAX-WS anymore). https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/metro-jax-ws/issues/49

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