I wish to learn/understand/use a version control. Do you know any good video tutorial? I'm programming in PHP and C/C++(learning stage) but i think this is not important as long you get the concept.

How can I get the concept?

7 Answers 7


I'd suggest reading the SVN Book and playing with a sample repository. You won't be able to learn nearly as much watching a video as you'd be able to by just playing around with svn. That being said, link text appears decent (only a quick glance).


You can find a lot of Subversion tutorials on YouTube.

Also BestTechVideos is plenty of SVN stuff.

  • 404. That’s an error. Jan 4, 2015 at 0:19

You can have a glance at slideshare : http://www.slideshare.net/search/slideshow?q=svn&submit=post&searchfrom=header

You'll certainly find out a presentation that suits your need.


This video is the first one I found that is like what I would do if I sat with you to show you how to use Subversion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvtdL2fQFts

  • +1, there has to be a ton of SVN videos on youtube
    – Allen Rice
    Nov 16, 2009 at 19:13
  • There are several, and the first few I looked at had just about convinced me to fire up the ol' screen recorder and make something that wasn't rambling, inaudible or fuzzy. Also, while TortiseSVN is wonderful, I think the command line is the place to start learning. Nov 16, 2009 at 19:53

Here is a video tutorial for using subversion on windows with Assembla free hosting. BTW, it has much more than svn hosting.


New Video tutorial is avaliable form PluralSight

Introduction to SVN Introduction to setting up and using SVN for Windows development.


you may check this out too

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