Is there any way that I can read an incoming message from a client using 'socket' in python? What I am looking for is a way to do without using SocketServer. It doesn't work in my case. For example, I have the following piece of code to 'accept' the incoming connection? but how can I get the incoming string from this?

import socket

def serve(self):

    while True:
        sockadd, c =listener.accept()

        # can I write the accepted request string??? 
        # Is there a way to do it? 

I have tried listener.recv(1024) it gives an exception.

help please, thanks in advance.

1 Answer 1


sockadd is a socket representing the connection with the client here, so use it to send and receive message with the client.

data = sockadd.recv(1024)

Check the socket documentation, there are several samples.


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