I feel like an idiot. When I pass a variable to the function it results in a strange output like 6.2+e003 instead of the value that the variable holds. What am I doing wrong?

The x in main and the x in the function are different?


int x, y;

    bob.Think(x, y);
    riley.Think(x, y);

class method:

void Organism::Think(double x, double y)
    std::cout << "X: " << x << "\n";
    std::vector<double> food;
    std::cout << "VECTOR: " << food[0] << " " << food[1] << "\n";
    std::vector<double> path;
    if(refresh.IsTime()) {
        std::cout << "\nFOOD VECTOR: \n" << food[0]
                  << "\n" << food[1] << "\n";

        path = brian.GetOutput(food);

        organism.Translate2D(path[0], path[1]);

        if(organism.IsOffScreen2D(resX, resY) == 'l' )
            organism.SetPos2D(resX, organism.GetY());
        if(organism.IsOffScreen2D(resX, resY) == 'r')
            organism.SetPos2D(0, organism.GetY());
        if(organism.IsOffScreen2D(resX, resY) == 't')
            organism.SetPos2D(organism.GetX(), resY);
        if(organism.IsOffScreen2D(resX, resY) == 'b')
            organism.SetPos2D(organism.GetX(), 0);

    font.DrawNumber2D(x, 50, 50);
    font.DrawNumber2D(y, 50, 100);
  • 3
    Is this the actual code because these variables are uninitialized which explains the random value.
    – Borgleader
    Jul 18, 2013 at 4:51
  • 6.2+e003 is 6200. And why are you passing integers to function that expect doubles? Also remember that x and y is not initialized, so you cannot predict what values they have Jul 18, 2013 at 6:23
  • X and Y where doubles initially, just trying other datatypes to see if it would fix the problem. Even the variables initialized, it still has the same problem.
    – Pearman
    Jul 19, 2013 at 3:07

2 Answers 2


Both x and y are uninitialized here:

int x, y;

so they can hold any value, and reading from them is undefined behaviour. You should initialize them:

int x = 0
int y = 0;
  • I did try that, still have the same problem.
    – Pearman
    Jul 18, 2013 at 20:05

I was writing outside the bounds of a vector. I switched from using the [] operators to using the .at() and found my bug right away. Just a bit of memory corruption. I feel quite silly. Thanks all!

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