I have 3 buttons b1, b2, b3. How to bind click on 3 buttons. Var b1 = $("#b1"); Var b2 = $("#b2");

$(b1,b2).bind("click", function(){});


  • Your code is incorrect, you cannot use a jQuery selector on a comma separated jQuery selections. If you want to do this, use an array notation like: $([b1, b2])
    – Kevin
    Jul 18, 2013 at 5:51
  • I want to use var objects only... selectors are to be of var type only
    – user321963
    Jul 18, 2013 at 5:52
  • You could also just state: var b1 = "b1", b2 = "b2"; and then use $(b1,b2).bind()...
    – Kevin
    Jul 18, 2013 at 5:54
  • Hi kevin.. $(b1,b2) or $([b1],[b2]) is not working
    – user321963
    Jul 18, 2013 at 5:58
  • My bad, use: var b1 = "#b1", b2 = "#b2";
    – Kevin
    Jul 18, 2013 at 6:02

5 Answers 5


you can use .add()


Demo: Fiddle

or use multiple selector

$('#b1, #b2, #b3').click(function(){

Demo: Fiddle


I would highly suggest making the button click function a separate function and then bind each button to it



     var b1 = $("#btn1");
     var b2 = $("#btn2");
     var b3 = $("#btn3");

    var btnClick = function(e){
        alert("Button: "+e.currentTarget.id);

    b1.on('click', btnClick);
    b2.on('click', btnClick);
    b3.on('click', btnClick);


The alternative is to use classes instead of ids. Like so:


<input type="button" id="btn1" class="btn-click-action" value="submit"/>
<input type="button" id="btn2" class="btn-click-action" value="submit2"/>
<input type="button" id="btn3" class="btn-click-action" value="submit3"/>

Then JS:

var btnClassClick = function(e){
    alert("Button clicked from class: "+e.currentTarget.id);

$('.btn-click-action').on('click', btnClassClick);
  • While Arun's answer works, using the class instead of ids what the best answer for my situation. Thanks.
    – seveninstl
    Jan 29, 2019 at 21:01

wrap them in a div then target the div for all the button elements.

<div id="button-nav">
    <button class="button" type="button">button 1</button>
    <button class="button" type="button">button 2</button>
    <button class="button" type="button">button 3</button>

the js:

$('#button-nav').on('click','button', function (evt) {
   //-- do stuff

JS Fiddle of the above


Giving jQuery an array will combine each item into a bigger jQuery object, thus you can bind your events in one shot.

Assume b1 and b2 is DOM element, not jQuery object.

$([b1, b2]).click(function (evt) { 
     // your code goes here 

JSFiddler at http://jsfiddle.net/XF3Vv/1/.

  • Could someone post a fiddle to this? I can't get it to work, but it seems really cool
    – user1234
    Jul 18, 2013 at 5:50
  • 2
    My bad, b1 and b2 should be DOM elements, not jQuery objects. I thought jQuery object should usually prefixed with $.
    – Compulim
    Jul 18, 2013 at 6:08

in your case:

just simply do like this below:

cj('#b1, #b2').click(function(){

        alert('you clicked either button 1 or button 2');


typical example: do some thing like this for different elements, if you click on any of these elements then this click event will be triggered

cj('#_qf_Contact_upload_view-top, #_qf_Contact_upload_new-top, ,#_qf_Contact_upload_view-bottom, #_qf_Contact_upload_new-bottom').click(function(){
    if(cj('#first_name').val() == '' || cj('#first_name').val().length == 0)
        alert('First Name is a required field, cannot be empty');
        return false;

hope it helps some one :)

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