Hi I have the following problem. I use jQuery file upload plugin and want to implement file uploader in one of my website pages. I am using the UI version so the thing is working, the files are uploaded but when i try to delete them i have an 404 error on the request. I am using POST request. The problem is that I get 404 header error and that is screwing the code. My page is responding with the right JSON data but the header is 404 I searched the whole [uploader class][3], but i can't find where the header is set and even if I comment that 404 line

if (!$this->is_valid_file_object($file_name)) { return $this->header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); }

Nothing happens so I cant understand where in which javascript file or in the upload handler class the headers go wrong and how to fix the problem.

So my ajax return is like follows:

_method:DELETE /my_domaing/some_page/uploadAction/file:action_test_file_3%20%281%29.doc

POST 404 Not Found text/plain jquery.js:8706 Script 991 B 360 B 20 ms 20 ms

I think the problems comes from my framework cause in plain php I can upload and delete files. But when i open the page in my browser with that link I can see the JSON response which is:

{"file":{"name":"action_test_file_3.doc", "size":61440,

I don't know what I need to get so the file be deleted, but I know that the header information is gone wrong cause I can open it and see the information but the POST request sees the 404 error and just doesn't do nothing.

The framework I use have a .htaccess rewrite rule which is the following:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule !\.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css|swf|htc|txt|doc|docx|xls|xlsx|pdf|htm|html|
bmp|flv|xml|zip|plist|ipa|woff|ttf|svg|eot)|^design(.*)|^sks(.*)$ index.php

But I don't think the rule has anything to do with this upload. My framwork uses Smarty. I really can't find the way to solve the problem the uploading is working perfectly so why not the deleting. And I have write/delete permissions on the directory.

I don't get any javascript errors and in my php log there are not errors regarding this page.

So I think the problem is with the header information and if it returns 404 the file is just not deleted that is all. But I can't understand where and how this is happening.

So feel free to ask me anything but I can't send you a live demo cause it is a developer server, but I will do anything to try and resolve this problem cause I am struggling with it for almost 2 days. Any help is and will be appreciated!

  • Let's check if you are actually sending the request to the right page. Try putting echo('Check me!'); exit(0); at the beginning of the PHP code. Your Ajax call should return "Check me!".
    – Broxzier
    Jul 24, 2013 at 6:56
  • Yes I am sending to the right page if i wasn't the upload wouldn't be working at all. So that's for sure not the problem and I said that I get the JSON response code which you can see there I just get the 404 error in the header information for the request. Jul 24, 2013 at 7:14


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