I am working on an asp.net page with a gridview. I need to export the gridview to excel but need to modify the colmnns data before exporting. I am using below code to export:


 Response.Buffer = true;         

   Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=FileName.xls");
   Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.xls";

   StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
   HtmlTextWriter hw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);
   gvLogs.AllowPaging = false;
   gvLogs.DataBind(); // bind data 
   //need to call Flush and End methods 

It works but it exports the grid to excel with same columns data as grid like this:

[email protected] my company1aa viewed profile [email protected] my name  Company views profile   7/24/2013 11:18
[email protected] my company1aa viewed profile [email protected] cv 3    Company views profile   7/24/2013 11:18
[email protected] my company1aa viewed profile [email protected] cv 2    Company views profile   7/24/2013 11:17
[email protected] my company1aa viewed profile [email protected] cv 4    Company views profile   7/24/2013 11:17
[email protected] my company1aa viewed profile [email protected] cv 1    Company views profile   7/24/2013 11:16

I want to break first column to 4 columns such that ( in case of first row)

Employer email = [email protected]
company name = my company1aa
Registrant email = [email protected]
Full name = my name

and then remaining 2 columns as it is

Action = Compnay view Profile
Date = 7/24/2013 11:18

Please suggest how can I do this. I am using object data source for binding but I can get data table:

HRActionLog actionLog = new HRActionLog();
           DataTable dt = actionLog.GetList(Action,DateFrom,DateTo,CompanyId,RegistrantId,VacancyId,CurrentLanguage);

Do I need to create a new datatable with additional columns and populate it from dt ?

Please suggest

  • 1
    I would create a new datatable. IMHO this is the quickest and cleanest way.
    – Koen
    Jul 25, 2013 at 6:29
  • @Koen How to break first column ? Jul 25, 2013 at 6:36

2 Answers 2


Supposing you can't get the data from somewhere, the only option I see is to split the string into different parts using string.Split I'm not fond of it, but I don't see any other solution.

Taking into account that the string will always be in the format as you've given you can use the following snippet:

    var lst = new List<string>
                      "[email protected] my company1aa1 viewed profile [email protected] my name",
                      "[email protected] my company1aa2 viewed profile [email protected] cv 3",
                      "[email protected] my company1aa3 viewed profile [email protected] cv 2",
                      "[email protected] my company1aa4 viewed profile [email protected] cv 4",
                      "[email protected] my company1aa5 viewed profile [email protected] cv 1"
    foreach (var str in lst)
        var i = str.IndexOf("viewed", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
        var part1 = str.Substring(0, i - 1); // -1 ommits the space before "viewed"
        var employerEmail = part1.Substring(0, part1.IndexOf(" ", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
        Console.WriteLine("EmployerEmail :" + employerEmail);
        var companyName = part1.Substring(part1.IndexOf(" ", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) + 1); // +1 ommits the space
        Console.WriteLine("CompanyName :" + companyName);

        var part2 = str.Substring(i + 16); // +16 to start right after "viewed profile "
        var registrantEmail = part2.Substring(0, part2.IndexOf(" ", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
        Console.WriteLine("RegistrantEmail :" + registrantEmail);
        var fullName = part2.Substring(part2.IndexOf(" ", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) + 1); // +1 ommits the space
        Console.WriteLine("FullName :" + fullName);

This code will only work when the strings are in format

<email> <companyname> viewed profile <email> <fullname>

If this changes, you'll have to adapt the snippet. But as mentioned on top: if you can find this data somewhere in the database, it's a lot better.


As @Koen said creating a new datatable is the best option.

As for breaking the first column into smaller strings / variables you would require a complex regexp and would still be prone to errors due to the fact that the string in your first column will, most probably, vary greatly.

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