What would be an idiomatic way to represent a tree in Clojure? E.g.:

    / \
   B   C
  /\    \
 D  E    F

Performance is not important and the trees won't grow past 1000 elements.

  • 34
    WTF is wrong with you people, every time someone doesn't like the question they hit close. stackoverflow was a very good place to learn something now it has turned in to digg, with a lot of idiots. If you don't like the question thats what down vote is for. Nov 24, 2009 at 4:43
  • 4
    They voted to close it, because it's an exact duplicate.
    – Rayne
    Nov 24, 2009 at 5:42
  • 1
    Agreed; this isn't about liking the question; as you say re learning something - perhaps learn from the last time somebody asked the same question? Nov 24, 2009 at 16:35
  • 18
    The appropriate thing to do would be to downvote AND ADD A COMMENT POINTING OUT THE REASON. If you're community-minded enough to do the former, you should do the latter too. Otherwise you're just being spiteful. Nov 25, 2009 at 9:42
  • 18
    @MarcGravell – where's the duplicate? This was the top result on Google for "clojure trees" for me just now. Dec 15, 2013 at 20:38

3 Answers 3

'(A (B (D) (E)) (C (F)))

There's a scary way of doing it using just cons:

(defn mktree 
  ([label l r] (cons label (cons l r))) 
  ([leaf] (cons leaf (cons nil nil))))
(defn getlabel [t] (first t))
(defn getchildren [t] (rest t))
(defn getleft [t] (first (getchildren t)))
(defn getright [t] (rest (getchildren t)))

Note that children isn't a list; it's a pair. If your trees aren't just binary, you could make it a list. use nil when there's no left or right child, of course.

Otherwise, see this answer.

The tree in your picture:

(mktree 'A (mktree 'B (mktree 'D) (mktree 'E)) (mktree 'C nil (mktree 'F)))
  • 1
    it has first & rest in place of car cdr Nov 24, 2009 at 4:38
  • thanks ;) common lisp has both. i'll edit. it does have 'cons' though? Nov 24, 2009 at 6:45
  • I think you should edit it to say "I only know common lisp". Common Lisp is not 'Lisp'. It's a Lisp.
    – Rayne
    Nov 24, 2009 at 9:07

Trees underly just about everything in Clojure because they lend themselves so nicely to structural sharing in persistent data structure. Maps and Vectors are actually trees with a high branching factor to give them bounded lookup and insert time. So the shortest answer I can give (though it's not really that useful) is that I really recommend Purely functional data structures by Chris Okasaki for a real answer to this question. Also Rich Hickey's video on Clojure data structures on blip.tv

(set 'A 'B 'C)

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