I have a simple demo app with just one listActivity and I'm using actionBarSherlock.

My styles.xml is:


    <style name="AppBaseTheme" parent="Theme.Sherlock"></style>

    <style name="AppTheme" parent="AppBaseTheme">
        <item name="actionBarStyle">@style/Widget.MyTheme.ActionBar</item>
        <item name="android:actionBarStyle">@style/Widget.MyTheme.ActionBar</item>
        <item name="android:windowBackground">@android:color/white</item>

    <style name="Widget.MyTheme.ActionBar" parent="Widget.Sherlock.ActionBar">
        <item name="android:background">#388E8E</item>
        <item name="background">#388E8E</item>


This style gives me a blue actionbar in 2.x and 3.x with white text in the action bar and a white background on my activity. Looks perfect on Android 2.x and 4.x. The problem is that in 2.x when I scroll, I get a black background. I'm currently using a SimpleAdapter:

int[] ids = { android.R.id.text1, android.R.id.text2 };
SimpleAdapter adapter = new SimpleAdapter(this, aList, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_2, from, ids);

Any ideas on how to stop this from happening?


1 Answer 1


Hi @EGHDK it is your list page problem. append android:cacheColorHint="#00000000" in your listView node. example <ListView android:id="@+id/list" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:layout_gravity="start" android:background="@color/somecolor" android:divider="@android:color/transparent" android:cacheColorHint="#00000000" />

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