I'm trying to get date from timeuuid without calling dateOf(id) function in cqlsh. So, is there any function in phpcassa that can convert timeuuid to date ?


1 Answer 1


You can use the $time attribute of \phpcassa\UUID objects to get a unix timestamp, like so:

$timeuuid = UUID::uuid1();
echo "timestamp: $timeuuid->time";

From there it's easy to make other date and time objects.

  • Well, I try to convert an existing string timeuuid to uuid1. i.e $timeuuid = "0e6f9df0-fb40-11e2-8bbc-ef32f0e43a97". I'm trying to get timestamp out of it. How can I do that ?
    – aacanakin
    Aug 2, 2013 at 7:02
  • 1
    You need to create a UUID object from that string first by doing $timeuuid = UUID::import("0e6f9df0-fb40-11e2-8bbc-ef32f0e43a97"); Aug 2, 2013 at 16:06

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