I Am from a WPF/XAML background and I'm trying to get my head into MVC. I am wondering if I want to create a data capture form, would you use table or div to structure the labels and dropdowns/textboxes etc.?

I ask because the template provided has all stacked one on top of another and wastes valuable screen area. I want to have my labels for Title, Forename, Surname all on one line/row and the same for data capture elements?

2 Answers 2


You should use div to structure your layout. Also you can use some grid layout framework (like in Twiter Boostrap, see Grid system). If you have WPF background - it can simulate to some extent Grid panel from WPF in HTML world.


In HTML table tags should be used for Tabular data; layout of forms etc should be done using Div / Span tags for structure and CSS to control the structure.

Take a looks at the link below for input form structure example:

Differents way to structure html inputs and labels in a form

Best way to structure a two column html form?


It's not only cleaner to use Div, but it also makes the page more accessible according to W3C rules.

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