I have the following Order By which I expect to output in ROID order. Instead the output appears in OIDR order. Why would the R be at the end instead of the beginning?

select narritive_section as ns, decode(narritive_section,'R','Origin','O','Initial Observation','I','Investigation','D','Disposition') as narritive_section 
    ,person_id, offense_id, entry_date, narritive_text, c_narritive_text  
from t_narritive 
where not narritive_text is null and offense_id =  11514
order by offense_id, decode(
    narritive_section, 'R',1, 'O',2, 'I',3, 'D',4);
  • 1
    You're ordering by offense_id first, so that's the main driver of the order. Try order by decode(narritive_section, 'R',1, 'O',2, 'I',3, 'D',4), offense_id instead.
    – Ed Gibbs
    Aug 8, 2013 at 21:22

1 Answer 1


You have offense_id with higher sort priority then ROID sort. Switching the two parameters in order by should solve your issue.

select narritive_section as ns, decode(narritive_section,'R','Origin','O','Initial Observation','I','Investigation','D','Disposition') as narritive_section, person_id, offense_id, entry_date, narritive_text, c_narritive_text
from t_narritive
where not narritive_text is null and offense_id = 11514
order by decode(narritive_section, 'R',1, 'O',2, 'I',3, 'D',4), offense_id;
  • I got rid of the the Decode and replaced it with CASE and added an nrank column to be used for sorting. Worked like a charm.
    – oaksong
    Sep 4, 2013 at 20:46

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