I'm trying to use Google's JS API to post on the currently logged in user's stream / wall / whatever. I've gotten to a point where everything seems like it should be working (No errors in my chrome js console) but nothing shows up on my google+ page. My code looks like this:

    <title>Google+ API Test</title>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function googleAPIOnLoad() {
            console.log("Google plus js loaded... calling client.load...");
            gapi.client.load('plus','v1', function(e){
                console.log("client loaded...");

        function signIn() {
            console.log("signing in...");
                client_id: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
                immediate: false,
                response_type: "token",
                scope: ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.login"],
                request_visible_actions: "https://schemas.google.com/AddActivity"
            }, function(e) {
                // callback
                console.log("done!", e);

                    path: "plus/v1/people/me/moments/vault",
                    method: "POST",
                    body: JSON.stringify({
                        type: "http://schemas.google.com/AddActivity",
                        target: {
                            id: "SOME_UNIQUE_ID_12345",
                            type: "http://schema.org/Thing",
                            name: "This is a test",
                            description: "Hi there, this is a test",
                            image: "http://mentationaway.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/fractal.jpg"
                }).execute(function(e) {
                    console.log("did it.", e);
    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://apis.google.com/js/client:plusone.js?onload=googleAPIOnLoad"></script>
    <input type="button" value="Sign In" onclick="signIn()">

I removed my client_id obviously. I've been looking at this page ( http://wheresgus.com/appactivitiesdemo/ ), which claims that it can make an activity, but even when I test with that, I still don't see anything on my google+ page. Does anyone know what I could be doing wrong?

Thanks for any help.

1 Answer 1


App activities appear in a special place on Google+ specific to each app. To see all of your app activities, go to:


To see app activities by app, visit here:


And select the app you want to see activities for.


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