I have written a simple function to invoke edit command with a path followed by the given filename.

However it looks like edit l:path invokes edit for file named "l:path" instead of l:path variable value. I guess this is a trivial issue, but it's hard to get search results for calling edit command in function, not from the vim editor.

Following code show the proper value of l:path when I change edit to echon.

command! -nargs=1 E call EditAtCurrentPath(<f-args>)

function! EditAtCurrentPath(filename)
    let l:path=expand('%:p:h').'/'.a:filename
    edit l:path

1 Answer 1


You have to use :execute to pass variables to commands:

execute 'edit' l:path

There are some good examples in :help :execute.

  • Works perfectly! Thanks for the fast answer! Aug 13, 2013 at 8:00
  • what about if the variable l:path has a '%' , how can you escape it?
    – vecin
    Aug 1, 2020 at 4:37

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