I have a class with a template argument what is an unsigned int. During implementation, I have to use the following expression a lot of time (SIZE is the template parameter):

(SIZE + sizeof(unsigned int) - 1) / sizeof(unsigned int)

What is the best way to put this value to a compile time constant to avoid writing out the whole expression every time I want to use it?

p.s.: I want to use the C++03 if possible.

  • AppropriateName<SIZE>::value? That would work best if this is being used from multiple separate places.
    – chris
    Aug 14, 2013 at 21:04
  • 4
    static const size_t value = (...)?
    – Rapptz
    Aug 14, 2013 at 21:06

1 Answer 1


You can do:

template <unsigned SIZE>
class C
    static const unsigned NumWords=(SIZE + sizeof(unsigned int) - 1) / 
                                   sizeof(unsigned int);

Depending on your compiler, the constant should be usable at compile time:

int array[C<24>::NumWords];

C++11 offers constexpr for this sort of thing, but you limited the answer to C++03.

  • "Depending on your compiler, the constant should be usable at compile-time" The problem with static const is that old compilers didn't implement in class initialization. But, as I noted, old compilers. Any modern compiler have implemented that, and the enum-hack (The common way to solve the problem) is not needed.
    – Manu343726
    Aug 14, 2013 at 21:23

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