For a Relational Schema Teaching(Course,Books,Lecturer)

Hows Course →→ Books and Course →→ Lecturer multivalued dependencies?

For a particuar Course we cannot be sure about the book name! As many books are possible! So hows it a FD in first case?

  • 1
    What's your question again? And what's an FD?
    – OMG Ponies
    Dec 2, 2009 at 6:55
  • 1
    FD=Functional Dependency Dec 2, 2009 at 6:58
  • 1
    Myth17, add your answer to the question, and add details to make it clearer.
    – culebrón
    Dec 2, 2009 at 7:24
  • A Functional Depency is on Primary Key right?? So for a particular Social Security Number we can be particular about the names and other details... But for a Course name, we cannot come up with a particular book! Hows it a FD then?? And precisely a Multivalued Dependencies?? Dec 2, 2009 at 8:14
  • 2
    Who is saying that there is a FD? Are you referring to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multivalued_dependency? That seems to agree with you.
    – djna
    Dec 2, 2009 at 8:45

1 Answer 1


These are not functional dependencies but multivalued dependencies (they are usually denoted with a double-headed arrow). Course -->---> Books means that once the course has been fixed all lecturers should use all books, i.e., whenever (L1,B1) and (L2,B2) correspond to a certain course, so should (L2,B1) and (L1,B2).

Course -->---> Books trivially implies Course -->---> Lecturer since both of them refer to the same pair of books and lecturers. In general, whenever X -->--> Y it also holds that X -->--> R-Y where R is the set of all attributes.

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