How to get number of CPU or Cores in Perl. I want this, to decide, creating number of threads dynamically. Below I have created 3 threads. But I want to create threads based on number of cores in that machine.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use threads;
use Thread::Semaphore;

my $semaphore = Thread::Semaphore->new();`enter code here`
my $cur_dir   = "D:\\qout";
opendir( CURDIR, "$cur_dir" );
my @file_list : shared = readdir(CURDIR);

$thr1 = threads->create( \&changemode, \@file_list, "th1" );
$thr2 = threads->create( \&changemode, \@file_list, "th2" );
$thr3 = threads->create( \&changemode, \@file_list, "th3" );

sub &changemode {

    my ($file_list) = shift;
    my ($message)   = shift;
    my ($i)         = shift;
    while (@{$file_list}) {
        my $fname;
        if (@{$file_list}) {
            $fname = shift(@{$file_list});
        print("$message got access of $fname\n");
        system ("csh -fc \"chmod +w $fname\"");
        #sleep (2);



  • 5
    As an aside: (1) Always use strict; use warnings;. The warnings module is superior to the -w switch. (2) Use a Thread::Queue instead of protecting an array with a semaphore. (3) You can't declare a sub like sub &foo { ... }. It is sub foo { ... }. (4) The $fname can be undef. You don't account for this when printing it out and executing the csh.
    – amon
    Aug 21, 2013 at 14:41

7 Answers 7


Check out the CPAN modules such as Sys::Info::Device::CPU

   use Sys::Info;
   use Sys::Info::Constants qw( :device_cpu );
   my $info = Sys::Info->new;
   my $cpu  = $info->device( CPU => %options );

   printf "CPU: %s\n", scalar($cpu->identify)  || 'N/A';
   printf "CPU speed is %s MHz\n", $cpu->speed || 'N/A';
   printf "There are %d CPUs\n"  , $cpu->count || 1;
   printf "CPU load: %s\n"       , $cpu->load  || 0;

Old question but here is how I tell the number of CPUs on my linux server:

chomp(my $cpu_count = `grep -c -P '^processor\\s+:' /proc/cpuinfo`);
print("CPUs: $cpu_count\n");

This only works in linux/cygwin. On the bright side this solution doesn't need any extra perl modules installed.

Barak Dagan suggested a "perl only" solution (I haven't tested it):

open my $handle, "/proc/cpuinfo" or die "Can't open cpuinfo: $!\n";
printf "CPUs: %d\n", scalar (map /^processor/, <$handle>) ; 
close $handle;

The getNumCpus method of Sys::CpuAffinity works on many different operating systems and configurations.


An alternative for windows-based users who cannot use Sys::Info or Sys::CpuAffinity:

my $numberofcores = $ENV{"NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"};

This is a tight version I am using:

use Path::Tiny;
sub getProcessors {
    my @cpuinfo = split "\n", path("/proc/cpuinfo")->slurp_utf8();
    return scalar (map /^processor/, @cpuinfo) ;

It seems $ENV{NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS} works nicely for Windows, but I was looking for a Perl one-liner which works on Linux and Cygwin too, which does not call external executables. Unfortunately I do not have Sys::* packages and I cannot install them.

I started with getconf(1). It has shows to condfiguration variables: _NPROCESSORS_CONF and _NPROCESSORS_ONLN. Using strace(1) on getconf(1) (strace -o s.log getconf -a) it turned out that these information is grubbed using /sys/devices/system/cpu path. This dir has cpu[0-9]+ like sub-dirs, which makes the life a bit complicated. So I returned to the well known /proc/cpuinfo and this is the one-liner:

my $cpus = do { local @ARGV='/proc/cpuinfo'; grep /^processor\s+:/, <>;};

Maybe this could be extended to get the number of online cores, but it is sufficient for now.


Old thread but I recently wrote this and it seems to work well...

sub getCoreCount {
  my $cpucount = 0;
  open(my $CPUINFO, "<", "/proc/cpuinfo") or die $!;

  while (my $line = <$CPUINFO>) {
    if ($line =~ /^processor/) {

  close $CPUINFO;
  return $cpucount;

print "CPUs: ".getCoreCount()."\n";

for OS X/macOS I have this https://gist.github.com/ablakely/4328790d106ae448885fe8949f5f4301

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