
For historic reasons, our application has a single static StructureMap Container which is used for all IoC/DI everywhere. We have quite a few tests which check that this container is properly set up, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to ensure that tests don't interfere with each other. I would like to start breaking out to several (non-static) containers to alleviate this. To retain backward compatibility, things configured in this container must be available from the main container still.

I have implemented a proof-of-concept for a small part of the system which handles only a few base types this way:

_pocContainer = new Container(/* setup code */);
MainContainer.Configure(c => c.For<C>.Use(ctx => _pocContainer.GetInstance<C>());

This works, and when requesting an instance of C from the static container, it is resolved from the _pocContainer. However, I'm fairly certain that this isn't something that was considered a normal use case when designing StructureMap. Will this cause bad performance, or have any other negative consequences? Is there some better way to do this?

  • Can't you divide the registration into Registries and test each Registry separately?
    – PHeiberg
    Aug 22, 2013 at 19:09
  • @PHeiberg: Good idea! Implemented it this way - please post as answer :)
    – carlpett
    Aug 26, 2013 at 7:53

1 Answer 1


One possible approach is to divide the registration into Registries and test each registry separately.

public class FooRegistry : Registry {
    public FooRegistry() {

You can then explicitly use the registry in the test

var container = new Container(new FooRegistry());

But have all registries automatically scanned in your composition root

var container = new Container(x => {
    x.Scan(scanner =>

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