I am extending Django's AuthenticationForm in order to provide better error messaging to the user. If login is going to fail, I want to perform an additional check on the user's input to provide a less generic message explaining to the user why login failed.


urlpatterns = patterns(
    url(r'^login/$', 'login', {'authentication_form': RemoteLoginAwareLoginForm}, name='auth_login'),


class RemoteLoginAwareLoginForm(AuthenticationForm):
    def clean(self):
      cleaned_data = super(AuthenticationForm, self).clean()
      if self.errors:  # <==== self.errors is {}, even when login will fail
          # Perform additional checks
      return cleaned_data

I thought that the right way to do this was to override clean() as above, but as indicated, self.errors is empty even when I logged in with bad credentials. I tried to override full_clean() and validate() as well, but neither got called at all.


I realize that the error I'm looking for -- that the credentials aren't valid -- doesn't come until the code actually attempts to log the user in. I added a custom ModelBackend where I am able to catch the error... but I am not sure how to report it back up as there is no request here.

Is the answer that this requires a custom login view?


1 Answer 1


There is a similar problem on stackoverflow. But I'm not sure if it solves your problem.

Using AuthenticationForm in Django

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