Consider the following code:

<link rel="stylesheet" src="myStyle.css" />
    div {margin-left: 100px} /* let's assume this margin value is dynamically generated in PHP/ASP/JSP and we dont't have control over it */
    <div class="indent-me-more-please">bar</div> <!-- let's assume we don't have control over this part, either -->


.indent-me-more-please {margin-left: * !important}

Is it possible to set the margin value (marked as *) to be always 50px greater than the value would have when it would only be set in the <style> tag or e.g. in the element attribute? In this case: 100px+50px = 150px. Something like "margin-left += 50px;" Something to call, I don't know, relative value incrementing?

Is it possible to do this in pure CSS?

  • You mention margin-left += 50px;, this would work with jQuery and would be considered the correct approach. Aug 27, 2013 at 16:03

3 Answers 3


CSS does not support that.

In your particular example, you could use padding-left to add additional space.


this need a different type of language like SASS http://sass-lang.com/ in sass you can add variables e.g

$margin-left: 50px;
 margin = $margin-left + 10px;

but to use sass you need to prepare your server for it ...


You could do this with jQuery

DEMO http://jsfiddle.net/kevinPHPkevin/EJzue/

$('div').css('margin-left', function (index, curValue) {
    return parseInt(curValue, 10) + 100 + 'px';

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