I've got this the simplest query ever in my LINQPad:

var xml = XElement.Load(@"C:\\Users\\myth\sample.xml");
var query =
    from e in xml.Elements()
    select e;

The problem is that it gives me back System.OutOfMemoryException. XML file is around 120MB.
I've read it here that LINQPad has a limitation of returning only 10000 rows.

So, then I've tried putting it like this

var query =
    (from e in xml.Elements()
    select e).Take(100);

yet it gave me back the same error.

LINQPad version: v4.45.05

  • I put your code in against an XML file I created that is 168MB. It returns the first 1000 items without a problem. Are you outputting to grid or rich text? When I changed to grid I also got an out of memory exception. Perhaps this stackoverflow.com/questions/5838657/… will give you a different way that may work you? Aug 28, 2013 at 11:01

1 Answer 1


Figured it out by myself.

When you are dealing with huge XML files (>100MB) or any other massive queries whatsoever, you need to have X64 Build installed.

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