I want auto complete text box with text and id .I used the following code for auto complete in my application

<script type="text/javascript">
var $auto=$.noConflict();
    var data3 = ['niju','vivek','anil','Anil'];


<input   type="text" name="employee" id="employee" value="" class="inp-form"> 

In this code we faced one drawback .There can be duplicate entry is possible since the same values as been repeated .

How to get id value instead of text label ?

Any suggestions are highly appreciated.

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1 Answer 1


You can try with a source define like : [ { label: "Choice1", value: "value1" }, ... ].
See documentation here : autocomplete#option-source

In your case it would be something like :
var data3 = [{label: 'niju', value: 1},{label : 'vivek', value : 2}, ...]; $auto("#employee").autocomplete({source: data3});

  • i tried following one but it did`t work var data3=[{label: 'niju', value: 1},{label : 'vivek', value : 2}];
    – kovarthan
    Aug 28, 2013 at 12:21
  • When I test on my part, autocomplete correctly select the right value to use in the input : When tapping an, autocomplete display me two solution (anil and Anil), and on selecting one of them, the correct value (3 or 4 in my example) fill the textfield.
    – vdubus
    Aug 28, 2013 at 13:52

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