I have a GWT container with some stuff in it and an image which is added a clickhandler.

What I try to do is to get the exact mouse event's X and Y coordinates relative to the image. I saw the post here but this is not what I want.

As far as I can see, I have option like getting the image absolute location and event location but this works only if the user doesn't scroll down the page.

event.getNativeEvent().getClientY()- image.getElement().getAbsoluteTop();
  • 1
    I don't know much about gwt, but if the above methods exist, there should be a function to get the scrollX and scrollY just like in javascript. Then you would combine all of the above to be event.getNativeEvent().getClientY()-image.getElement().getAbsoluteTop()-(document.scrollTop?)
    – Samuel
    Dec 5, 2009 at 18:18
  • yeap, this is the thing I am looking for, and this is the code for it event.getNativeEvent().getClientY()- image.getAbsoluteTop() + Document.get().getScrollTop() thanks for the very useful insight Dec 5, 2009 at 19:39

1 Answer 1


Thanks to Samuel,

here is the solution

event.getNativeEvent().getClientY()- image.getAbsoluteTop() + Document.get().getScrollTop()

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