I have a URL string I want to build in the following manner:


How would I generate something like this in my URL mapping where n is a variable number?

How would I get those keys?


1 Answer 1


There are two ways to do this:

  1. Simply use the path route converter:

    def api(varargs=None):
        # for mainsite/key1/key2/key3/keyn
        # `varargs` is a string contain the above
        varargs = varargs.split("/")
        # And now it is a list of strings
  2. Register your own custom route converter (see Werkzeug's documentation for the full details):

    from werkzeug.routing import BaseConverter, ValidationError
    class PathVarArgsConverter(BaseConverter):
        """Convert the remaining path segments to a list"""
        def __init__(self, url_map):
            super(PathVarArgsConverter, self).__init__(url_map)
            self.regex = "(?:.*)"
        def to_python(self, value):
            return value.split(u"/")
        def to_url(self, value):
            return u"/".join(value)
    app.url_map.converters['varargs'] = PathVarArgsConverter

    which you can then use like this:

    def api(args):
        # args here is the list of path segments

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