I am trying to get the value of my td column with a specific class (tablecellname):

                    $('#MainContent_myTable tr').each(function () {

I think I get the correct amount of rows in the table but it only gives me the 1st value (repeated).

<table id='MainContent_myTable'>
        <td class='tablecellname'>abc</td>
        <td class='tablecellcode'>111</td>
        <td class='tablecellname'>def</td>
        <td class='tablecellcode'>222</td>
        <td class='tablecellname'>ghi</td>
        <td class='tablecellcode'>333</td>
        <td class='tablecellname'>jkl</td>
        <td class='tablecellcode'>444</td>
        <td class='tablecellname'>mno</td>
        <td class='tablecellcode'>555</td>
        <td class='tablecellname'>pqr</td>
        <td class='tablecellcode'>666</td>
        <td class='tablecellname'>stu</td>
        <td class='tablecellcode'>777</td>
        <td class='tablecellname'>vwx</td>
        <td class='tablecellcode'>888</td>
        <td class='tablecellname'>yz</td>
        <td class='tablecellcode'>999</td>

It only prints abc over and over again.

What am I doing incorrectly?

2 Answers 2


$('.tablecellname') selects all elements in the entire document that match. Instead, in your function you want to find children of the currently iterated element:

  • 1
    Or you can use a contextual selector (my preference) $('.tablecellname', this).html(); Sep 5, 2013 at 15:32

$('#MainContent_myTable tr').each does count each occurrence of <TR> however using $('.tablecellname').html()) will only return the first instance of the class to occur in the html.

You'll need to use $(".tablecellname").each

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