Before I start, this is not a style opinion question. I want to know why and if I really have to place storage modifiers before the function. Philosophical discussion follows.

A very friendly C++ grammar policeman once taught me always to place modifiers to objects after the doodad to be modified. For example:

int const myint; // good
const int myint; // bad

The idea of this, and I quite like his or her reasoning, is that the modifier will then always modify the property before it. So when we declare a method the logical convention is this:

const int const fun(); // bad
int const fun() const; // good

So assuming that this is the way I do things, and without starting a debate on this all over again, why do I have to place storage modifiers (such as static) before the function? So a const and static function next to each other will confusingly look like this:

int fun1() const;
static int fun2();

Given that, conceptually, the static and const keywords in this context have categorically related roles (they both modify what the function can and cannot do, to be broad) shouldn't similar grammar rules apply to them? I want to be able to do this:

int fun1() const;
int fun2() static; // why doesn't this work?
  • It's not placed after the "doodad" it modifies, but after the type - and a function is not a type. The const after a (member) function says you can't modify the internal state of the object, it's completely different from returning a const object (which is a very bad idea in C++11, btw). Same applies to static member functions.
    – Xeo
    Sep 8, 2013 at 22:46
  • That's why I didn't use the word "type", because placing the modifiers after the function causes it to affect that function. It all works until you get to storage modifiers, hence my question.
    – quant
    Sep 8, 2013 at 22:47
  • 4
    Note: int fun() and const int fun() are exactly the same, because non-class rvalues always have cv-unqualified types. Sep 8, 2013 at 22:47
  • 1
    second example is an error, const cannot be applied to same type twice no such thing as const const int. Associativity is : left, if nothing on left then right. As for style I recommend using the one that is easier to read as in constant int. const int. not int which happens to be const. functions is whole other thing. when applied to a function it means this can be called on a const instance.
    – A. H.
    Sep 8, 2013 at 22:49
  • 3
    Your analogy isn't correct. The analogous variable declaration would be int myint const; Sep 8, 2013 at 23:10

3 Answers 3


The reason is that static is an entirely different sort of thing from const.

Specifically, static specifies a storage class, while const is a cv-qualifier (or just qualifier, depending on the standard you're looking at).

As such, the rules for the two are rather different. As you've already found, one of the rules is that a storage class specifier needs to be nearly the first item in the declaration, and that only one storage class can be specified in most declarations (the sole exception of which I'm aware: you can specify thread_local along with either static or extern).


There is a big difference between declaring a static or virtual function and func() const, in that the first defines how the the function interacts to the object it is a member of, and the second form defines what it is allowed to do TO the object it is a member of.

And, yes, it's slightly confusing that one comes after the function prototype, and the other is before. I think that is because it would be even more confiusing if const char * const x = "abc" means something different than const char * const func() { return "abc"; } - and it is a good idea to keep the number of reserved words t a minimum in the language, so adding a "constfunc" or something like that to the reserved words was deemed a bad idea. By placing it after the () in the function declaration, it avoids confusion and allows the same word to be used for another purpose.

  • Ok, but the const in int func() const and the static in static int func() both affect func(), not the return values, so then what is the reasoning behind one being at the start and one at the end? Is there some good reason that I'm missing here? I'm just trying to get a grip of the grammar philosophy...
    – quant
    Sep 8, 2013 at 23:14
  • No, const char *func() is different from char *func() and also different from char * const func()! Where as static char *func() will allow the same operations on the return value as char *func() (but it won't pass a this). The problem here is that putting const ahead of the function affects the way the return value can be used. After () it affects how this is seen. Sep 8, 2013 at 23:16
  • Yes I understand that, my question is why does the static keyword go before the name and the const keyword after the name of the function, when both modify the function, not the return values.
    – quant
    Sep 8, 2013 at 23:18
  • I suspect because there was no reason when static was invented to put it after the () - because it was introduced before the C language even had a standard, or C++ was even a twinkle in Bjarne's eye. I don't think anyone really thought about it very hard until it came to the point of "How do we declare a function as a member, in a way that it shows that we don't/can't modify the member variables?", and of course, const before the name didn't work, because it (sometimes) has a different meaning. Sep 8, 2013 at 23:21

const does not actually modify the function, but the type of the implicit this pointer. All functions are immutable as far as the C++ type system is concerned (C++ does not provide any language support for self-modifying code).

For that reason it doesn't make sense to compare its position to either the return type or function modifiers.

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