I tried to call non-static drawScore() method from static calldrawScore(), but I got the error "cannot find symbol constructor Game" on line Game draw = new Game(); in calldrawScore(). When I pass with mouse over that line it says "GameScreen (Game) in Game cannot be applied to ()".


4 Answers 4


- Its rule of thumb that a static method can't access any non-static variable or methods.

- It is because static member belongs to the class where as non-static members belongs to the object, so as the static member tries to access a non-static member it won't be clear that which objects member is being accessed, so its prohibited in JAVA.

  • 2
    You can access a non static method from static method by creating an instance in the static method. Sep 10, 2013 at 9:45
  • @CodeEnthusiastic you are right about it, thats one way of defining a singleton principle, but as far as i know, there is no direct way of accessing a non-static member from a static member and was something i wanted the OP to know, but thanks for providing another angle to this answer.
    – nidhi
    Sep 10, 2013 at 10:42

Maybe if you can change "getScore(int x)" into:

public static int getScore(int x, GameScreen gs) {
        score = x;
        return score;

and now you can call it in "GameScree" by

GameScreen.getScore(valueSome, yourObject);

Another way is to change all GameScreen into Singleton


Your class GameScreen constructor is taking Game class object as a parameter. You can either get the current Game instance and pass it as a argument or create a default constructor in your Gamescreen class.


To do GameScreen d = new GameScreen() you need to have 0-argument constructor for GameScreen. You don't have such constructor.

Anyway, your code looks preety bad, because you are creating new GameScreen in every calldrawScore()...

I think you need to read what's the difference between static and non-static methods. Then go back, design it and implement better.

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