I'm using wget to read a batch of urls from an input file and download everything to a single output file, and I'd like to append each url before its downloaded content, anyone knows how to do that?


  • 1
    please show the code which you are using so far so we cann add the needed code
    – user753676
    Sep 11, 2013 at 16:04

1 Answer 1


afaik wget does not directly support the use case you are envisioning. however, using standard tools, you can emulate this feature.

we will proceed as follows:

  • call wget with logging enabled
  • let sed process the log executing the script detailed below
  • execute the transformation result as a shell/batch script

conventions: use the following filenames:

  • wgetin.txt: the file with the urls to fetch using wget
  • wgetout.sed: sed script
  • wgetout.final: the final result
  • wgetass.sh/.cmd: shell/batch script to assemble the downloaded files weaving in the url data
  • wget.log: the log file of the wget call


the sed script (linux):

# delete lines _not_ matching the regex
/^\(Saving to: .\|--[0-9: \-]\+--  \)/! { d; }

# turn remaining content into something else
s/^--[0-9: \-]\+--  \(.*\)$/echo '\1\n' >>wgetout.final/
s/^Saving to: .\(.*\).$/cat '\1' >>wgetout.final/

the command line (linux):

rm wgetout.final | rm wgetass.sh | wget -i wgetin.txt -o wget.log | sed -f wgetout.sed -r  wget.log >wgetass.sh | chmod 755 wgetass.sh | ./wgetass.sh


the syntax for windows batch scripts is slightly different. of course, the windows ports of wget and sed have to be installed first.

the sed script (windows):

# delete lines _not_ matching the regex
/^\(Saving to: .\|--[0-9: \-]\+--  \)/! { d; }

# turn remaining content into something else
s/^--[0-9: \-]\+--  \(.*\)$/echo "\1" >>wgetout.final/
s/^Saving to: .\(.*\).$/type "\1" >>wgetout.final/

the command line (windows):

del wgetout.final && del wgetass.cmd && wget -i wgetin.txt -o wget.log && sed -f wgetout.sed -r  wget.log >wgetass.cmd && wgetass.cmd

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