'route-me' is an iPhone map engine and I want to add my own map source to it. I've got all the map images on my server but I dont know how to add the map source? Any one could help?

3 Answers 3


There seems to be two ways to do this:

First, from the documentation:

If you have your own maps, you can use Mapnik as a framework and OpenStreetMap as your host. You can then point to your map with the RMOpenStreetMapsSource class to specify the URL.


You can use an app for route-this called SimpleMap along with an extension called Map2sqlite. This allows you to use a class caled RMDBTileSource and point to a sqlite DB file of your maps as the source. I found this tidbit on a google groups article covering this topic.


google maps in route-me example:

in RegionGmapTile.h

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "RMAbstractMercatorWebSource.h"

@interface RegionGmapTile : RMAbstractMercatorWebSource 


in RegionGmapTile.m

#import "RegionGmapTile.h"

@implementation RegionGmapTile

-(NSString*) tileURL: (RMTile) tile

    NSString* url = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"http://mt0.google.com/vt/lyrs=m@127&x=%d&y=%d&z=%d",tile.x, tile.y,tile.zoom];
    return url;

-(NSString*) uniqueTilecacheKey
    return @"NLSHistoricMap";

-(NSString *)shortName
    return @"NLS Historic Map";
-(NSString *)longDescription
    return @"NLS Historic Map Test";
-(NSString *)shortAttribution
    return @"Google maps";
-(NSString *)longAttribution
    return @"Google maps";


somwehere in your route-me

[[RMMapContents alloc] initForView:mvMap];

mvMap.contents.tileSource = [[RegionGmapTile alloc] init];

and google maps are shown without any key


So, code below should get the job done?

id <RMTileSource> tileSource;
NSURL *mapURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"myOSM_URL"];
tileSource = [[[RMOpenStreetMapSource alloc] initWithURL:mapURL] autorelease];

Doing this results with error:

-[RMOpenStreetMapSource initWithURL:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x5b0c310

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