I have tried to use the ETABS dll file in MATLAB. The documentation explains how to use the dll file in .net languages. By changing the code I can use it in matlab, but there is some error.

My code:

 asm = NET.addAssembly('C:\Program Files\Computers and Structures\ETABS 2013\ETABS2013.dll')
 ETABSAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom('C:\Program Files\Computers and Structures\ETABS 2013\ETABS.exe')
 ETABSObject = ETABSAssembly.CreateInstance('CSI.ETABS.API.ETABSObject')

and the output for the last line is:

ETABSObject = 

  CSI.ETABS.API.ETABSObject handle with no properties.
  Package: CSI.ETABS.API

  Methods, Events, Superclasses

Superclasses for class CSI.ETABS.API.ETABSObject:


after that I must convert the object to ETABS2013.cOAPI which is a abstract class, by using the cast operator as follows:

a = cast(ETABSObject,ETABS2013.cOAPI)

But I get the following error:

??? Error using ==> ETABS2013.cOAPI
Creating an instance of the Abstract class 'ETABS2013.cOAPI' is not allowed.

How to convert the Etabs object to cOAPI?

1 Answer 1


I don't think cast does what you are trying to do. It only works on built-in data types.

I also don't think you can cast to ETABS2013.cOAPI using any technique. Abstract classes are abstract; you can't have an object of that type.

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