I have a table that looks something like this, where most of the rows are not displayed:

<table id="myTable" class="tablesorter">
        <tr style="display:none;">
        <tr style="display:none;">

I am trying to access all of the visible rows in the table, and concatenate each cells' value to a string that will be output into CSV. I have some jQuery code but it doesn't get very far at the moment:

<input type="button" value="Export" id="csv-export" />

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
        $("#csv-export").click(function () {
            var csvStr = "";
            $("#myTable tr:visible td").each(function () {   //for each td in each visible row
                if ($(this).has("a") == false) {   //if the td does not contain a link
                    csvStr += $(this).html();   //Append the td's html
            $.get('@Url.Action("CSVExport")', { csv: csvStr });

The line $("#myTable tr:visible td").each(function () { is failing. Any help here? I'm a bit of an amateur at writing this type of code. I want this code to select all tr elements that are not set to display: none and then for each of these, select and access all td elements.

  • When you say the line is failing, what do you mean? Are you getting a JS error? Or is it simply not running for anything?
    – Jacob
    Sep 16, 2013 at 23:25
  • @Jacob When I step into the line, it skips to the $.get at the end and doesn't even make it to the if statement. Sep 16, 2013 at 23:32

2 Answers 2


.has() method returns a jQuery object and an object is a truthy value in JavaScript, has unlike hasClass method doesn't return a boolean value, it's a filtering method, you should use length property instead:

if (!$(this).find("a").length) { 

If you want to exclude td elements that have a descendants, you can use .not() method:

$("#myTable tr:visible td").not(":has(a)").each(function () {

In case that you want to create a comma-seprated-values string, you can use .map() method:

var csvString = $("#myTable tr:visible td").not(":has(a)").map(function() {
     return $.trim( $(this).text() );

jsFiddle Demo

The issue you are having is that hasjQuery API will return a collection. In order to get a truthy value out of it, you should check the length property.

if (!$(this).has("a").length) {  
 csvStr += $(this).html();

Otherwise, everything else works just fine.

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