This is the error I'm getting:

StatisticsProcessor.cpp: In member function ‘void StatisticsProcessor::loadData(std::string)’: StatisticsProcessor.cpp:70:16: error: request for member ‘insert’ in ‘((StatisticsProcessor*)this)->StatisticsProcessor::dataArray’, which is of non-class type ‘Element* {aka int*}’ make: * [StatisticsProcessor.o] Error 1

Here is that part of my code:

    for(int i = 0;;){
            Element line = 0;
                if(i > 0){
                    inStream >> line;
                    dataArray = new(nothrow) Element[line];
                    assert(dataArray != 0);
        else if(inStream.eof()) break;
            // Close file stream

and here is my insert function:

void StatisticsProcessor::insert(Element e){

    // Increment size

    // Add in new value
    dataArray[size-1] = e;

Element is just a typedef for int, and dataArray is of type Element*
inStream is an ifstream object, I'm trying to read numbers from a file and insert them into my list class(essentially an array of integers). What am i doing wrong??

  • 1
    Show us the declaration of dataArray inside the class.
    – David G
    Sep 22, 2013 at 22:31

1 Answer 1


As you've shown us, the insert is a member function of the StatisticsProcessor class. If you want to call that function, the syntax would be:


Where x is an object of type StatisticsProcessor and y is an object of type Element (int). Instead, your x is an int* (pointer to int). Pointers don't have a member function named insert, nor any member functions at all, for that matter.

  • What would you suggest i do?
    – Riptyde4
    Sep 22, 2013 at 22:32
  • 1
    @Riptyde4: I would suggest you read a C++ book, because to make this mistake is to have a fundamental gap in knowledge on the language. A gap which I cannot possibly fill in this answer. Sep 22, 2013 at 22:33
  • @Riptyde4 Change your array into a std::vector and use push_back.
    – David G
    Sep 22, 2013 at 22:33
  • I'm reading one lol, this is an assignment for a class i'm trying to wrap my head around. I can't use vectors my professor wants us to write our own list class
    – Riptyde4
    Sep 22, 2013 at 22:35
  • @Riptyde4 In that case, change dataArray's type to use your list class instead. Assuming your list interface defines an insert method somewhere.
    – greatwolf
    Sep 22, 2013 at 22:38

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