I must copy a file names as follow

  $filename = "Sport.EL#15.csv.[]"

into another folder.

if I use

  copy-item -force Sport.EL#15.csv.[] $dest_path 

it doesn't work.

since I do that:

  foreach ($f in Get-ChildItem $pathfile | Where {!$_.PsIsContainer} | Where {$_.Name -match $filename}){....}

and the error is

  Bad argument to operator '-match': parsing "Sport.EL#15.csv.[]" - Unterminated [] set..

I think the problem is the [] in the filename. how can I workaround?

1 Answer 1


try use:

copy-item -literalpath $filename $dest_path 

Edit after comment:

to resolve the -match issue try:

 Where {$_.Name -match [regex]::escape($filename)}

-match take a regular expression value and you need to escape each special character used in regex language to avoid problems like this.


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