Supposedly I have those functions of the same type and result in Haskell:

add_one :: Integer -> Integer
add_one n = n + 1

multiply_by_five :: Integer -> Integer
multiply_by_five n = n * 5

subtract_four :: Integer -> Integer
subtract_four n = n - 4

add_ten :: Integer -> Integer
add_ten n = n + 10

How can I make a list from them so I can apply it to one single argument of Integer type such as:

map ($ single_argument) list_of_functions  


  • What do you want as result? A list of results, or do you want to sequence the functions?
    – bennofs
    Oct 3, 2013 at 11:09
  • 1
    In Haskell, you make a list by listing the elements inside square brackets, like [1,2,3]
    – Ingo
    Oct 3, 2013 at 11:12
  • Why not use dot notation to 'string' functions together? Oct 3, 2013 at 11:17

1 Answer 1


Constructing lists with Haskel is done by using the (:) and [] list constructors, like so:

fList :: [Integer -> Integer]
fList = add_one : multiply_by_five : subtract_four : add_ten : []

-- or by using some syntactic sugar
fList' = [add_one, multiply_by_five, subtract_four, add_ten]

You can then indeed map application:

map ($ 3) fList
  • map ($ 3) fs == ($ 3) <$> fs == [($ 3)] <*> fs == fs <*> [3] == sequence fs 3 as well (with Control.Applicative).
    – Will Ness
    Oct 4, 2013 at 8:41

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