I have a fairly complex dll which contains two namespaces, as well as a few classes that do not belong to a namespace at all.

For the sake of simplicity, I have a test dll which has two classes in it:

namespace MyAsmNamespace{
    public MyClass{
       public int doSomething(){ return 1;}


public MySecondClass{
    public int doSomethingElse(){ return 2;}

I am trying to use objects from this dll within a classic ASP page, using CreateObject.

I have registered the dll using >RegAsm.exe /codebase /tlb

And then I load the dll using set obj = CreateObject("MyAsmNamespace.MyClass")

Now the classes with namespaces specified work just fine, but for the class that doesn't have a namespace, I don't know what to do. I tried set obj = CreateObject("MySecondClass"), but that doesn't work (I get an ActiveX Component Can't Create Object error)

I looked in IL DASM, and MySecondClass is in the assembly, but not listed under a namespace. Looking in regedit, I can see that MyAsmNamespace.MyClass is registered, but I cannot find MySecondClass anywhere.

Does MySecondClass have to be in a namespace to be referenced in classic asp or is there a default namespace it becomes a part of?

  • Does the second class have any attributes, like ComVisible? Any other differences, besides the namespace?
    – noseratio
    Oct 4, 2013 at 23:43

1 Answer 1


After several days working on this, I have not found a way to reference a class inside an assembly using CreateObject if that class was not placed inside of a namespace.

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