Hi I am trying to get a space for storing a number of words. My plan is to use a two-dimension array, which stores a string. It looks like this:

pBuffer[0]---------->myBuffer[0][0] myBuffer[0][1]...
pBuffer[1]---------->myBuffer[1][0] myBuffer[1][1]...

However, it gets error and I am struggling to debug this. What's the problem?

1. Declaration

char myBuffer[255][255];
char* pBuffer[255];

2. Usage

char* pBuffer[i] = &myBuffer[i][0];
pStream->cmdArray[i].u.word = &pBuffer[i];
strcpy(*pStream->cmdArray[i].u.word, infix_string);

3. Error & Warning

error: variable-sized object may not be initialized
  char* pBuffer[i] = &myBuffer[i][0];
warning: unused variable 'pBuffer' [-Wunused-variable]
   char* pBuffer[255];
  • put entire code, please update your post. Oct 5, 2013 at 20:16

2 Answers 2

char* pBuffer[i] = &myBuffer[i][0];

Remove the leading "char*", the compiler thinks you're trying to declare a new variable called pBuffer which "shadows" the original definition of pbuffer.

char* pBuffer[255]; // declares pbuffer as an array of 255 char* pointers
char* pBuffer[i];   // illegal and, if it worked, would be a shadow declaration.
  • If you're using a faintly modern version of C (not the 23+ year old version but the 13+ year old version — C99, or the more recent C11), then the char *pBuffer[i]; declaration is a valid VLA (variable length array) definition, assuming i is an integer variable (or a name for an integer constant, but then it isn't VLA any more). But you can't provide any initializer for a VLA, as the compiler error message indicates. Oct 5, 2013 at 21:53

Because you wrote something weird. It should just be pBuffer[i] = &myBuffer[i][0];, in a loop of course.

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