I'm using activeadmin 0.6.1, mongoid 3.1.5, and activeadmin-mongoid 0.3.0. embeds_many relations are arguably the best thing about mongoid, reducing the need for additional queries to fetch related data.

But I can't find a good way to make them work with activeadmin's f.has_many form helper (and activeadmin-mongoid doesn't seem to provide a f.embeds_many version).

The best solution I've come up with so far is to use a has_many relation, and use mongoid-alize to denormalize the has_many fields into the parent object. But this is somewhat unwieldy, as it requires me to access them as parent.children_fields instead of parent.children, which interferes with any code that expects an array of child objects instead of an array of attribute hashes.


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